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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

Welcome to Central Torrance AYSO Region 15


Without Volunteer  Coaches There Are No Teams

Why should you become an AYSO Coach?

Coaching children is a very rewarding experience. And coaching your own child’s team can be one of the most rewarding experiences of all! Coaches are pivotal to having children get the AYSO experience. If Regions don’t have enough coaches, registration is scaled back and kids who want to play in AYSO are turned away.

Do you have little or no experience with soccer? No problem! AYSO will teach you, based on the age level you are coaching. Unique age-appropriate coach training is one of AYSO’s specialties. If you plan to be at your child’s soccer practices and games, you’ll also have time to be your child’s coach.

To become an AYSO coach or Assistant Coach , you must be certified in the age level you are coaching. Certification takes a few easy steps. First, pick the position that you want to volunteer for on your Sports Connect account (same account you register your player). Then attend a short Safe Haven™ course, Concussion Awareness course and Sudden Cardiac Arrest course online. Lastly, you must attend a brief age-specific coaching course. It’s only a few hours.

All online courses can be found at
6U – Online Course
7U/8U – Online Course
10U – Online Course + Field class, sign up on AYSOU.
12U – In class and field work, sign up on AYSOU.
14U – Intermediate Course, sign up on AYSOU.
16U/19U – Advances Course, sign up on AYSOU.

Coaches are essential to the game. They teach children soccer skills and help develop a healthy, positive attitude, teamwork and good sportsmanship. Coaching is a rewarding experience because you have the opportunity to build a child’s self-esteem, help them learn new skills and just have a lot of fun.

To coach your child’s team you can check the coach box at your players registration and/or contact your division coordinator (email addresses on the About us, board member tab) .  And if you have any questions or just want to say “Hi” contact me – your coach administrator

Candice Patel
[email protected]

Volunteer Description

Step 1: Register as a volunteer in the National AYSO database through Sports Connect.

Login to the Region 1web page, click My Account in the top right corner and create a new account and complete the information to become a volunteer.  Go through every page and make sure to thoroughly complete all necessary information and make sure you type in your name for signature.  No print outs required because we are using eSignature!

Bring your driver’s license or passport to your next training session or walk in registration for ID verification

Step 2:  Register for the coach training class(es) you plan to attend.

Region 15 offers in person classes for 10U and 12U Coach Classes.  If our class dates are not convenient you can attend classes in our neighboring regions.  Check for classes by logging into and choose Lookup, Course.  Narrow the search by choosing Section 1, Area F, and Region 15 for our local classes.  Section 1, Area F will include all our neighbor region classes.

6U, 8U are online classes and can be completed as soon as you are a registered volunteer at AYSOU

Step 3: Complete the online classes and State mandated volunteer requirement.

Choose the Safe Haven / Concussion / Sudden Cardiac courses (same for Coaches and Referees).
Print a copy of the certificate of completion after you have finished the course.

SafeSport is a California State mandated training for all youth sport volunteers.  To access your FREE training, that will update your AYSO status, please use this link to enroll: .  You do not need to upload your SafeSport results unless you are supplying a completed certificate from July 1, 2021 - December 31, 2021.  SafeSport will automatically update your profile, generally within 2 hours of completion.

Background Check - You should have already received an invitation from [email protected].  Please follow the link to complete your Background Check ASAP.  Due to County, State and Federal reporting, Background Check Processing can take up to 10 business days.  Self disclosures can add an additional 5 business days.

LiveScan - You are required to submit to a LiveScan pursuant to California mandates for all youth sport volunteers. Below is a link that gives options to either attend a Live scan event sponsored by AYSO or book your own appointment at a Live Scan office. If you go to an event, you don't have to pay anything. If you go to a service center, you may have to pay, but the region will reimburse you.

Step 4: Attend your classes.

Your class will include information about coaching techniques, systems of play and field work. 

Friday Afternoon Clinics - Region 15 has also contracted with UK International to assist players and coaches with extra touches on the ball and skills practice or coaching tips on Friday afternoons at Wilson Park.  Feel free to take advantage of all they have to offer.  
4:00pm (6U, 7U, 8U)
5:00pm (10U, 12U, 14U)

AYSO Region 15 coaches are provided with a coach shirt, coach bag, cones, and 3 game balls.

Thank you for volunteering! If you have any question on this process please email your Coach Administrator or Division Coordinator

Candice Patel
AYSO Region 15 Coach Administrator
[email protected]

National Partners

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Contact Us

AYSO Region 15 Central Torrance

P. O. Box 11423 
Torrance, California 90503

Email Us: [email protected]
Phone : 310-817-4700
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