Thank you for being a volunteer for AYSO!
As a Region we need to know this information so that we can properly record scores for our teams, and to provide credit to the referees that officiated the games. PLEASE PRINT legibly, no cursive writing.
How to properly document a game card.
AS A COACH (Coaches examples are in RED)
Game card is filled out before the game
Fill in region, age group, team number and game date.
Add in your team name and opponent name (if you do not know it fill it out on game day).
Also indicate your name and if you have an assistant coach their name(s)

Fill in your entire roster, order by jersey number. Write "sick" or "absent" next to player's name if they are not in attendance.

Fill in game date, time and field location and number (if applicable).
Fill in your team name and colors and opponent name and colors (if you do not know fill in on game day).

Give game card to match referee. on the day of the game.
Before the game verify the coach filled out all of the data, this is the coaches responsibility.
During the game (During the game examples as in BLUE):
Use tally marks to record goals scored by each player. Use one column for each game half

Record who is playing keeper with a "G"
Record substitutes "i.e." those not playing with an "X"

At any point in the game you caution or send off anyone; record the cautions or send offs on the back of the card

During halftime record the halftime score and who is winning on the back of the card

After the game (During the game examples as in GREEN):
STEP 1: Record the playing conditions

STEP 2: Write final score, winning team

STEP 3: Note the overall conduct and sporting behavior of players, coaches, and spectators

STEP 4: Print your name (each referee) and include team #

STEP 5: If there were any cautions, send offs, or any other game notes on the cards please sign your name (each referee)

STEP 6: Immediately after you are finished turn the card into the Region for recording of the match
Sample Card